Tomorrow morning, I'll be off to Birmingham for the Circle K Large Scale Service Project and International Convention. It should be a lot of fun. We'll be doing everything from volunteering at a zoo to electing a new International Board. I'll be back on the 9th, but I will try my best to provide an update while I'm away (I'm not saying that's going to happen, but I will try my best if time allows). In any case, I'll let you know all about it when I get back!
Technology Chair Jo has been hard at work uploading our board pictures to the district website. Click here to check out the index of photos of your District Board!
Interested in joining a NYCKI Committee? Check out our Resources page for a list of current applications. Right now, four district committees are looking for applicants:
Governor’s Project Program Development Committee - Due July 22, 2009
Kiwanis Family Relations Committee - Due July 24, 2009
Technology Committee - Due July 26, 2009
District Project Program Development Committee - Due July 27, 2009
Please refer to the applications for specific details!
The New York District Board met on Long Island last weekend (July 10th to 12th) for its summer board meeting, and we have some exciting updates!
This year's theme for New York Speaking (the weekend of October 30th to November 1st) is "It's A Service Life for Me!"In other words, we’ll be celebrating Halloween with a pirate theme and having a “Masqu-arrr-ade”!
I am also happy to announce that we have selected Charlotte Owens, a New York Circle K alum and a member of the Young Professionals of New York City Kiwanis, as our keynote speaker for NewYork Speaking. Charlotte is a former NYU Circle K member, a charter member of a Young Professionals Kiwanis, a Kiwanis Advisor to Key Club and Circle K, and an assistant district attorney in Kings County (Brooklyn), helping to keep the community a safer place.
We're still waiting to hear back from Kamp Kiwanis about whether we'll be able to have a clean-up/meeting there in September. Co-Conferences and Conventions Chairs Carolyn Frantz and Maggie Bryant will be looking into that.
We're also going to be placing a lot more focus on NYCKITV, so please continue submitting ideas for videos. If you'd like to make any on your own, please run them by me, and if they work outwell, we can upload them to the YouTube channel.
In the next month or so, we'll also begin holding NYCKI online chats, and we'll try to hold them over the course of the year. They will focus on relevant topics over the course of the year.
I have selected LTG/Chair Josephine Lukito to serve as our Western Division Liaison, since she is the closest to the Western Division. She will keep in contact with the division until we find a Lieutenant Governor for the division.
For those attending ICON, our district shirts will cost $10 each, and our pins will be $3 apiece.OTIC Chair Kristen did an amazing job designing them!If you’re not attending ICON, don’t worry.We’ll be selling leftovers at New York Speaking!This is the design for our district pin, which centers around our Governor’s Project, “Neighborhood Nourishment: Feeding Our Friends and Families”:
We had a very successful meeting, and for that, I would like to extend thanks to some of the people who made the weekend possible.
I want to first thank Club Building Chair Kristin Leverone and her family for so graciously putting us up in their house for the weekend (in addition to feeding us dinner on Friday and breakfast on Saturday and Sunday!).I would also like to extend my thanks to LTG Rickie Santer and his family for arranging a meeting room for us at the Levittown Public Library and buying us lunch after the meeting on Saturday!
-Governor Michael
With District Treasurer Allison Jean Carruthers (left) and Club Building Chair Kristin Leverone.
Governor's Project Program Development Chair Alex Geroux has released her first issue of "Governor's Project Greetings", her publication for the 2009-2010 NYCKI Governor's Project, "Neighborhood Nourishment: Feeding Our Friends and Families".
Alex has extended the deadline for committee member application submission to July 22nd. Please click here to download the application if you are interested and have not yet done so.
District Project Program Development Chair Yvonne Cotterell is looking for committee members! Applications are due at midnight on July 27th. Click here to download it.
Please also check out the first issue of the District Project newsletter by downloading it here!
I am happy to announce a very exciting piece of news about one of my Key Club LTG counterparts this past year. Nancy Zhang, the IPD New York District Key Club LTG for Division 11, was elected Key Club International Trustee at the Key Club International Convention in Dallas on Saturday! Nancy did an amazing job as LTG, and I'm certain she's going to do an amazing job as International Trustee.
Is your club just starting up? Are you looking for resources to help you in the process of chartering? NYCKI Club Building Chair Kristin Leverone has released a club chartering checklist, so check it out here!
2009-2010 Distinguished District Governor, New York District Circle K International
*AIM: ZebrowskiCKI
(This blog is preserved as an archive of the 2009-2010 service year.)