Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Greetings New York!

I hope you all enjoyed the holidays. This will likely be my last post of the year (and of the decade!), so I wanted to use it as an opportunity to share with you the words of William Arthur Ward:

“Another fresh new year is here . . .
Another year to live!
To banish worry, doubt, and fear,
To love and laugh and give!

This bright new year is given me
To live each day with zest . . .
To daily grow and try to be
My highest and my best!

I have the opportunity
Once more to right some wrongs,
To pray for peace, to plant a tree,
And sing more joyful songs!”

Midnight will bring carry us into another new year. Think back on the last year and the last decade. Consider the choices you have made and the challenges you have faced, but do not let yourself feel regret for any missteps or for any lost opportunity. Instead, look forward to the countless opportunities resting in the days ahead of you, and strive each day to be your best. I wish you and your families all the best in the New Year!

-Governor Michael

Sunday, December 27, 2009

NYCKI Alumni Newsletter!

Greetings New York!

Our Alumni Relations Ad-Hoc Committee, chaired by Representative Reed, has been hard at work with NYCKI alumni outreach. Please click here to download the committee's first work product, the first issue of our new alumni publication - "NYCKI Now"!

-Governor Michael

Saturday, December 26, 2009

2009-2010 Awards Applications! Apply Today!

Please refer to the following message from Awards Chair Jennifer Yong:

Hello Members of the New York District!

It seems like just yesterday that we were all at NY Speaking. District Convention is quickly approaching and before that, we would like all of you to take a look at the DCON Awards Packet. There are a total of 24 awards, ranging from Outstanding Club Officer Awards, to Outstanding Kiwanian and Faculty Advisor Awards. There will also be awards for the variety of different service projects your club has held or participated in this service year. Show your club’s creativity, and show us all the work you have done by creating the Best Club Scrapbook in NY District! There are plenty of opportunities for your club to be recognized for everything you have done this year!

Please take the time over Winter Break to review the Awards Packet and nominate those who you believe are deserving and eligible for each award. This is an excellent opportunity to acknowledge and reward those members and those clubs who have gone above and beyond the call of service. This will also be a great way to share what you have done with other clubs in the district, and it may serve as an inspiration to others to help plan successful events in the future. We all would love to hear what you have to say, so please encourage all officers and members of your club to fill out an application.

All awards are based upon nominations, and all rules and regulations can be found at the beginning of the awards packet. All awards nominations must be received by District Administrator John Keegan no later than Monday, February 8, 2010. There will be no late submissions accepted.

If you have any questions regarding the Awards Packet, please email me ( or Governor Zebrowski ( We look forward to your submissions, and we hope to see you at District Convention!

Jennifer Yong

Awards Chair

[Download the 2009-2010 Awards Packet! (editable)]

[Download the 2009-2010 Awards Packet! (PDF)]

Friday, December 25, 2009

Thursday, December 24, 2009

District Convention Host Club Application

Please refer to the following message from Carolyn Frantz:

Hello NYCKI!

It's time to start thinking about District Convention 2010, and the District Board needs your help!

This year, the Convention is taking place in Albany, NY from March 19-21, 2010, with the theme:
"Going Golden: A Solid Record of Service -- Celebrating 50 Years of Service, Leadership and Fellowship".

We need a club that is willing to help run the convention!

Would your club be interested in being the Host Club? Duties involve:
-- helping with registration
-- setting up for the dance
-- bringing/taking down decoration
-- distributing lifelines
-- working with the board to ensure that everything runs smoothly

The club must have 4-5 members willing to arrive in Albany by 2:00 PM on FRIDAY, MARCH 19th.

Interested? The application is DUE WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10 to District Secretary Carolyn Frantz (

If you have any questions or need further information, feel free to contact me! Hope you consider applying, and see you all at DCON!

Carolyn Frantz
District Secretary
Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair
New York District

December "Michael's Memo"

Greetings New York!

Please click here to download the December issue of my monthly publication, "Michael's Memo".

Inside, you will find information pertaining to:
  • District Convention 2010
  • New York District Board
  • Outstanding Members of the Month
  • Outstanding Club of the Month
  • District Goals
Have a look, and let me know if you have any questions!

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Outstanding Member of the Month Program

Greetings New York!

This past month, we established an Outstanding Member of the Month program, through which each club can submit the name of an "Outstanding Member" to be recognized by the New York District. Please see below for the winners from November 2009. Congratulations to all recipients!

-Governor Michael

Saturday, December 12, 2009

New York District Distinguished Member Application - Apply Today!

Hey Everyone!

Please look at the bottom of this post to download the 2009-2010 New York District Distinguished Member Award application! Each year, the New York District of Circle K International recognizes those members that have distinguished themselves through service to our clubs and communities. We strongly encourage all members to apply for this wonderful recognition program.

How do you win?

It's easy! All members meeting the criteria specified in the application will receive the award and be honored at District Convention 2010! All you need to do is certify that you have met the criteria laid out in the application, have it signed by your Club President (or Club Vice President, in the case that you are a Club President), and send it in to District Administrator John Keegan. It's as simple as that!

The application process is easier than ever!

In past years, there was an essay requirement to receive this award. However, we strongly believe it's important to make the process as easy as possible. After all, you each distinguish yourselves by your actions throughout the service year. As long as you meet the criteria and submit the application on time, you will be one of the recipients of the 2009-2010 New York District Distinguished Member Award!

But be aware of the due date!

All completed applications absolutely must be received by District Administrator Keegan no later than February 8th! See more details for submission in the application. If your club will not be meeting prior to the deadline, please still ensure that this application is disseminated to your members and submitted on time!


Please feel free to contact me or Awards Chair Jennifer Yong ( if you have any questions at all!

Please do not miss out! This is an amazing opportunity to receive recognition for what you and your members do throughout the year, and we want to ensure that recognition is given where it is due!


-Governor Michael

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Outstanding Club of the Month - December

Hey New York!

Congratulations to the Circle K of RPI for being recognized as the Outstanding Club of the Month for December 2009. Keep up the great work!

-Governor Michael

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hey Everyone!

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all have an amazing day, and regardless of what you might have planned, I encourage you to keep in mind the words of W.J. Cameron: "Thanksgiving, after all, is a word of action." Let's all do our best to keep these words in mind not just today, but every day.

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Workshop Packets

Hey Everyone!

Technology Chair Jo will be uploading literature packets from the workshops at New York Speaking to the district website soon, but I thought I'd take this opportunity to share with you the packets for the two workshops I ran:


-Governor Michael

Board Appointments

Hey Everyone,

I just wanted to quickly congratulate the two newest appointees to the District Board.

Alex Lin of University at Buffalo was confirmed as Western Division Lieutenant Governor at Tri-K Weekend this past Saturday.

In order to focus more heavily on NYCKI alumni outreach, I have appointed International Representative Kristen Reed to the position of Alumni Relations Ad-Hoc Chair.

Congratulations to Alex and Kristen!

At present, I am accepting letters of intent for the positions of Laws & Regulations Chair and Kiwanis Family Relations Chair. Please let me know if you are interested in applying or if you have any questions with regards to the requirements of these two chairmanships.

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November "Michael's Memo"

Hey Everyone!

Please click here to check out the eighth issue of my monthly gubernatorial publication, "Michael's Memo"!

Inside, you will find information pertaining to:
  • New York Speaking 2009
  • District Convention 2010
  • New District Officers
  • Outstanding Club of the Month Award
  • Outstanding Member and Officer Awards
  • The Tomorrow Fund
  • Club Status Information
Check it out, let me know what you think, and please let me know if you have any questions!

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Congratulations to the following members of the New York District who were selected to serve on Circle K International Committees this year:

Matt Carney, Large Scale Service Project Committee (Logistics Chair)
Eric Hotchkiss, Corporate Sponsorship, Internship, & Scholarship Ad-Hoc Committee
Kristen Reed, Service Committee (Chair)
Rickie Santer, Awards Ad-Hoc Committee
Imran Yassin, Corporate Sponsorship, Internship, & Scholarship Ad-Hoc Committee
Michael Zebrowski, Awards Ad-Hoc Committee

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

In case you missed New York Speaking...

Hey New York!

I'd like to thank everyone who came to New York Speaking on the weekend of October 30th to November 1st and helped make it the success it was! I'm sure most of you have seen pictures of the weekend (and karaoke videos of a certain Immediate-Past International Officer serenading a certain Governor) as they gradually pop up on Facebook, but for those who missed it, here's a brief recap of what happened over the course of the weekend:

We collected around 40 food items for our food drive and collated storybooks and made friendship bracelets to distribute to hospitalized children. Thank you to everyone who took part in the service project!

Over the course of the weekend, the District Board elected three members to fill vacancies that had arisen. Please join me in welcoming the following members to the District Board:
  • Conferences and Conventions Co-Chair Carolyn Frantz of University at Albany was appointed and confirmed as District Secretary.
    • Please be sure to include Carolyn when you submit your MPRFs each month. Her email address is
  • Brittney Fitzgerald of Elmira College was appointed and confirmed as District Editor.
    • Please contact Brittney at if you need any of your club's contact/officer information changed for the district's records. Please also contact her if there is anything you want highlighted in future editions of "Circling the Empire" (AKA "The CTE").
  • Governor's Project Program Development Chair Alex Geroux of SUNY Potsdam was appointed and confirmed as Northern Division Lieutenant Governor.
    • Alex will be serving as the representative from the clubs in the Northern Division to the District Board. If your club is part of the Northern Division, please be sure that you are in contact with Alex. Her email address is
Congratulations to our newest additions to the board! We wish them all the best of luck in the months to come.

I would also like to extend my congratulations to our Outstanding Members and Officers that were recognized at New York Speaking:

Outstanding First Year Member Award:
Kathryn Graves - Adelphi University
Tamarah Louis - Stony Brook University
Theresa Phamduy - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Stephanie Wexler - SUNY New Paltz

Oustanding Returning Member Award:
Erin Miller - Rensselaer Polytechnic University
Bright Varghese - Stony Brook University

Outstanding Club Officer Awards:
Non-Traditional Officer Position - Webmaster - Sarah Boyd - Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Committee Chair - Shirmela Rambally - Stony Brook University
Treasurer - Matthew Maran - Stony Brook University
Secretary - Rafaela Estrella - SUNY New Paltz
Vice President - Alexandra Reich - SUNY New Paltz
President - Jennifer Yong - Adelphi University

At District Convention 2010, we will again be accepting nominations for the Outstanding Officer Award, and we will again be putting out the application for Distinguished Member Recognition Program, which will be open to all members and officers in the district. Be on the lookout for how to apply at some point this winter!

If you were unable to come to New York Speaking, don't despair! You can still come to District Convention 2010 in the spring! In case you missed our call to DCON, the theme for District Convention 2010 is "Going Golden: A Solid Record of Service", in honor of 50 years of Service, Leadership, and Fellowship! Join us on the weekend of March 19th to 21st at the Crowne Plaza in Albany as we celebrate NYCKI's Golden Anniversary!

-Governor Michael

Friday, October 30, 2009

Outstanding Club of the Month - November

Hey New York!

I just wanted to announce our Outstanding Club of the Month for November. The winner is the Circle K of Adelphi University! Congratulations!

-Governor Michael

Monday, October 12, 2009

Tip Me: 10 service projects to do at meetings

One of the best parts of Circle K International is making friends through performing service. Try out some of these funky and fun service projects at your next meeting. It’ll help engage new members by showing them the joy of service, spice up your meetings and get some extra hours in.
  1. Puff paint socks—Decorate the soles of socks with puff paint to create safety grips. Give them to senior citizens in nursing homes.
  2. Warm blankets—Make homemade fleece blankets by tying the ends of long yards of fleece together. Donate them to your local neonatal intensive care unit waiting room.
  3. Letters from home—Write thank you letters and cards to soldiers overseas.
  4. Coloring books—Create coloring books by drawing shapes and objects on white paper with black markers. Donate them to your local library or daycare center.
  5. Peanut butter jelly time—Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate to your local food pantry or neighborhood center.
  6. Make a child smile—Visit to find terminally ill children who could use a smile or two. Create cards for them during your club meetings.
  7. Keep warm—Host a “learn how to knit” session for your club and make scarves, hats and mittens to keep children warm this winter.
  8. Door stoppers—Paint holiday themed door stoppers to give to your local nursing home or hospital.
  9. Pillow hugs—Decorate plain white pillow cases with sunshine and flowers for your local hospital or kid’s camp.
  10. Craft dough—Make and mix homemade modeling clay and donate it to your campus day care center or children’s library.
Source: Service Committee Chairwoman Kristen Reed

Sunday, October 11, 2009

October "Michael's Memo"


Click here to download the seventh issue of my monthly publication, "Michael's Memo".


-Governor Michael

Friday, October 9, 2009

Register for New York Speaking Today!

A message from New York District Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair Carolyn Frantz:


As we move through October, it's almost time for our annual fall conference: New York Speaking! From October 30th to November 1st, Circle Kers from across the state of NY will gather together in Lake George, NY to celebrate Circle K! It's a chance to celebrate the hard work and service that you are all doing, receive valuable information about members and clubs, meet members from all over the state, impress others with your karaoke skills, dress up for a "Masqu-arrr-ade Ball", receive awards, and have an awesome time! This year's theme is "A Service Life for Me", so pull out your best pirate costume!

For those of you who haven't attended a NYCKI convention before, I can assure you that it's an experience you don't want to miss! Take advantage of this opportunity and join us for the weekend. You won't regret it!

Ready to register? Click here to download the registration packet!

Need further information? Contact your Conferences and Conventions Co-Chairs:

We'll be happy to answer your questions!

Hope to see you all there!

Carolyn Frantz
Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair

Thursday, October 8, 2009

New York Speaking Awards Applications!

Please see below for a message from New York District Awards Chair Jennifer Yong:

Hey New York District!

The Awards Packet for NY Speaking may be downloaded (in Microsoft Word and PDF format) by clicking the links at the bottom of this message. I encourage you all to nominate anyone you know who fulfills the criteria listed for each award!

This is a great opportunity to recognize your members – for all of their dedication, commitment, and service to Circle K. Without them and the work of all your officers, Circle K would not exist. So again, please encourage your officers and members to submit nominations and to try their best to attend New York Speaking, which will take place on Friday, October 30th – Sunday, November 1st. The weekend will be filled with a variety of workshops for officers and members and LOTS of FUN for Halloween.

Awards will be presented at NY Speaking and it will be nice if members from all over the District could see the winning individuals. If you have any questions at all, please feel free to contact me via e-mail I hope to see you all there and I look forward to reading all of your submissions!

Yours in Service,
Jennifer Yong
Awards Committee Chair

[New York Speaking Awards Packet - Microsoft Word]

[New York Speaking Awards Packet - PDF]

Monday, October 5, 2009

Outstanding Club of the Month - October


I am happy to announce that the Circle K of Brooklyn College has been selected as the Outstanding Club of the Month for October. Congratulations to President Liana and her club!
If you would like to nominate your club or any other club in our district to be recognized as the November Outstanding Club of the Month, please send me the nomination by October 27th. The application can be downloaded here.

-Governor Michael

Brand New NYCKI Membership Handbook!

New to Circle K? Looking for some more information? Want some information on what the New York District is up to this year? Check out the brand new Membership Handbook put out by 2009-2010 NYCKI Membership Development & Education Committee by clicking here!

-Governor Michael

KPTC Presentation from the Service Leadership Committee

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We're Halfway There...

Today, the Circle K International President notified me that we are halfway through our service year. I encourage everyone to think back over the past six months. What goals did you set for yourself at the start of the service year on April 1st? How many have accomplished? I encourage you to figure out what you still need to get done and what you would like to do in the next six months to accomplish your goals.

Best of luck!

-Governor Michael

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Congratulations to Our New Awards Chair!

Hello New York!

I am happy to announce that I have appointed Jennifer Yong, the President of the Circle K of Adelphi University, as our new Awards Chair. She will soon be distributing the awards packet for New York Speaking 2009.

Congratulations, Jennifer!

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

DLSSP Recap Video

Did you miss NYCKI's first-ever District Large Scale Service Project? Check out the following video for a photo recap of the weekend!

-Governor Michael

Monday, September 21, 2009

CKI Presents: Interclubbing!

Hey Everyone!

Here's the first issue of "CKI Presents", which was jointly distributed by the NYCKI Kiwanis Family Relations and Membership Development & Education Committees.

Click here to check out the first issue, which is about interclubbing!

-Governor Michael

Sunday, September 20, 2009

First-Ever New York DLSSP Recap

On the weekend of September 11th to 13th, we held the first-ever New York District Large Scale Service Project at Kamp Kiwanis in Taberg. Over the course of the weekend, we focused extensively on service and fellowship, and it was a great success! We bonded over icebreakers and team-building activities, and we even had a bonfire on Saturday night. We assisted the camp with filing, shellacking, laundry, and furniture-moving. The weekend was a lot of fun, and we hope you can make it next year!

LTG Angela Cortese poses with Kamp Kiwanis' John Deere Gator.

Catherine Porras (Left) and LTG Jacquie Fable assist with filing.

Attendees at the District Large Scale Service Project.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Outstanding Club of the Month Award

Greetings NYCKI!

As I mentioned earlier on in the year, I am instituting an Outstanding Club of the Month Award. Due to the fact that we were away from school for most of the start of the service year, I had postponed the application start date. The application is now available, so please click here to download it.

Any member of NYCKI may nominate any club in the district. This is a great means of recognizing our clubs for their hard work throughout the service year, so I encourage you to make a nomination today!

Applications for Outstanding Club for October will be due on September 27th. Similarly, all nomination forms will be due on the 27th of each month (for consideration for the following month's award).


-Governor Michael

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

September "Michael's Memo"

Greetings NYCKI!

I have finished the September issue of my monthly publication, "Michael's Memo". Please click here to download it, and let me know what you think!

Inside, you will find information on membership recruitment, fun icebreakers to do with your club, District Board vacancies, new district resources, and more!

-Governor Michael

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Six Cents Initiative - Whose Hair will be Dyed Blue at New York Speaking 2009?

Greetings NYCKI!

Help support the Six Cents Initiative by donating to either "Team Kristen" or "Team Imran" in the NYCKI Six Cents Initiative challenge. Check out my blog post from April here for more details about this challenge. If you'd like to see LTG Imran Yassin's hair dyed blue, donate to "Team Kristen". If you'd like to see International Representative Kristen Reed's hair dyed blue, donate to "Team Imran".

Kristen has created a promotional flyer for the event, so check it out here!

-Governor Michael

"Conventions Basics" Guide

Interested in learning more about New York District and Circle K International Conferences and Conventions? Check out our "Conventions Basics" guide put out by New York District Conferences and Conventions Committee by clicking here. We hope to see you in two weeks at DLSSP!

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New York District Executive Board Vacancies

Hey Everyone,

We are taking applications for those interested in serving the remainder of the service year in the capacity of either District Secretary or District Editor.

The duties of District Secretary include: taking minutes at all District Board meetings, compiling monthly district service hour and interclub totals, providing publications for club secretaries, speaking on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assisting with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.

The duties of District Editor are largely founded around serving as the chief publisher for the New York District. The District Editor publishes "Circling the Empire" (AKA "The CTE"), provides publications for club editors, works with NYCKITV on YouTube, speaks on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assists with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.

As both District Secretary and District Editor are elected positions on the voting board, both officers are expected to attend all meetings of the District Board. We have the following board meetings scheduled for this year: September (DLSSP), New York Speaking, Tri-K Weekend, January, February, and DCON.

Members who are interested in applying should send me letters of intent and any work samples they think will help in the selection process (newsletters, advertisements, writing samples, online resources, etc.). Applicants may also submit resumes to showcase experience and qualification. The deadline for application submission is September 8th.

If you have any questions at all about either position, please let me know. This is a great leadership opportunity, so if you're interested, I encourage you to apply!

-Governor Michael

Congratulations to Kristen Reed!


On the night of August 24th, the Governors of Sub-Region F met to vote on the nominee that had been put forward for the office of Sub-Region F International Representative one week prior. Immediate-Past International President Kristen Reed has been elected to serve as our 2009-2010 Sub-Region F International Representative, serving the New York, New Jersey, New England, and Capital Districts of Circle K International on the International Board. Kristen is a rising senior at SUNY Potsdam and previously held the office of International Representative during the 2007-2008 service year.

Congratulations, Kristen!

Sub-Region F International Representative Kristen Reed

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kiwanis District Convention

Greetings New York!

I got back from the Kiwanis District Convention yesterday. Long Island Lieutenant Governor Rickie Santer and Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Chelsea Saccu were also in attendance.

While at the Kiwanis District Convention, I spoke on behalf of the New York District of Circle K International, and with the Key Clubbers, we co-ran a forum on Circle K and Key Club.

We sold over $300 worth of NYCKI shirts and our Governor's Project pins. We also ran a raffle for the quilts that we made at our District Convention in March, and we raised $610 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. We will be splitting the proceeds between the three centers. Thank you to all Circle K members who assisted with decorating the quilt squares, Assistant District Administrator Alison Mandel for sewing the quilts together, and to all Kiwanians who supported us in the raffle!

Two of the three quilts that we raffled off on behalf of the KPTC.

We have a few new potential chartering sites that were proposed to us by Kiwanians, so we'll be working with them to see what we can do to make these ideas come to light.

Unfortunately, I only have a handful of pictures from the Convention, as someone accidentally deleted everything from my camera on the last day.

Overall, the Convention was a lot of fun, and it helped prepare us prepare a little more for the coming semester.

Congratulations to Kiwanis Governor Doreen Pellittieri, Kiwanis Governor-Designate Dave Booker, and Kiwanis Governor-Elect Mike Malark!

-Governor Michael

Key Club Governor Allen Yu, Kiwanis Governor Doreen Pellittieri, and Circle K Governor Michael Zebrowski.

Friday, August 21, 2009

August "Michael's Memo"


I am at the Kiwanis District Convention right now, and I will be addressing the Convention at the opening session in a few hours, but I have finished my fifth issue of "Michael's Memo", so if you are not on our reflector, you can download the new issue by clicking here!

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Come to the New York DLSSP!

A message from Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair Maggie Bryant:


Wish you could have attended the Large Scale Service Project in Alabama? Or are you in service withdrawal after a summer away from school and your Circle K club? Make up for it by attending the first-ever New York District Large Scale Service Project at our very own Kamp Kiwanis. We will spend the weekend helping out with some cleanup projects and partaking in fellowship activities. It is the perfect way to get back into the swing of service and start your school year with a bang!

The DLSSP is happening September 11th to 13th in Taberg, New York, so clear your calendars and look for registration forms in the coming days.

Please let me know if you are interested so we can get an idea of how many people will be attending. Send an email to

Yours in Service,

Maggie Bryant

Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair

P.S. Hope you all are enjoying what is left of summer and have a wonderful start of your school year!