Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thank You for a Phenomenal Year!

Members of the Mighty New York District, Kiwanians, Friends,

Thank you. I just wanted to start by thanking each of you for making this year such an amazing experience and such a phenomenal success.

On April 1, 2009, we knew we would one day reach the end of our time together. It feels like just yesterday that the 2009-2010 service year began, and yet we have already arrived at its end. This is not surprising, however, when we consider all that has happened this year and all we have done.

Over the past year, we set many rigorous goals for ourselves, and through our collective efforts, we have been fortunate to have experienced a wealth of successes. Our district has welcomed five new Circle K clubs this year, increasing our membership to 946 – the largest we have been in many years. Our members have performed close to 30,000 hours of documented service to their communities, supporting the four Circle K International Service Partners, the KPTC, Kamp Kiwanis, and a plethora of other organizations and causes. We have increased membership recognition programs in our district to recognize the great work done by our hardest-working members and clubs. We have successfully planned and executed the first-ever New York District Large Scale Service Project, and our District Convention, at which we celebrated our fiftieth anniversary, was attended by over 180 people – nearly double the attendance we have had in recent years.

I am so proud of all that we have accomplished, and while I wish our time together were not so short, I ask you to keep in mind the words of Ida Scott Taylor: “One day at a time – this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.” Make each moment the best it can be, and treasure each of your experiences.

It has been such an honor and pleasure to serve as your 2009-2010 New York District Governor. This year has taught me so much, and you have all made an impact on me in some way. I will forever treasure this experience as one of the greatest of my life, and I will always treasure the memories we have all made together.

I have every confidence in the abilities of the 2010-2011 New York District Board to do an amazing job, and I look forward to seeing the coming year brings. Best of luck to each of you with all of your future pursuits, whether in Circle K or in the “real world.” I look forward to working with all of you again in the future. Please remember that I am always here and always willing to lend a hand.

Thank you again for such an amazing year!

Yours Always in Service, Leadership, and Fellowship,

Michael Zebrowski
Immediate-Past New York District Governor
Circle K International