Thursday, April 1, 2010

Thank You for a Phenomenal Year!

Members of the Mighty New York District, Kiwanians, Friends,

Thank you. I just wanted to start by thanking each of you for making this year such an amazing experience and such a phenomenal success.

On April 1, 2009, we knew we would one day reach the end of our time together. It feels like just yesterday that the 2009-2010 service year began, and yet we have already arrived at its end. This is not surprising, however, when we consider all that has happened this year and all we have done.

Over the past year, we set many rigorous goals for ourselves, and through our collective efforts, we have been fortunate to have experienced a wealth of successes. Our district has welcomed five new Circle K clubs this year, increasing our membership to 946 – the largest we have been in many years. Our members have performed close to 30,000 hours of documented service to their communities, supporting the four Circle K International Service Partners, the KPTC, Kamp Kiwanis, and a plethora of other organizations and causes. We have increased membership recognition programs in our district to recognize the great work done by our hardest-working members and clubs. We have successfully planned and executed the first-ever New York District Large Scale Service Project, and our District Convention, at which we celebrated our fiftieth anniversary, was attended by over 180 people – nearly double the attendance we have had in recent years.

I am so proud of all that we have accomplished, and while I wish our time together were not so short, I ask you to keep in mind the words of Ida Scott Taylor: “One day at a time – this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering.” Make each moment the best it can be, and treasure each of your experiences.

It has been such an honor and pleasure to serve as your 2009-2010 New York District Governor. This year has taught me so much, and you have all made an impact on me in some way. I will forever treasure this experience as one of the greatest of my life, and I will always treasure the memories we have all made together.

I have every confidence in the abilities of the 2010-2011 New York District Board to do an amazing job, and I look forward to seeing the coming year brings. Best of luck to each of you with all of your future pursuits, whether in Circle K or in the “real world.” I look forward to working with all of you again in the future. Please remember that I am always here and always willing to lend a hand.

Thank you again for such an amazing year!

Yours Always in Service, Leadership, and Fellowship,

Michael Zebrowski
Immediate-Past New York District Governor
Circle K International

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Final Issue of Governor's Publication

Greetings New York District,

As we enter our last day of the 2009-2010 service year, I would like to share with you the final issue of my monthly publication, "Michael's Memo". Please take a look when you get the chance.

[Click here to download the final issue of "Michael's Memo"]

Have a great day!

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Didn't report your hours this year? Well, you've got one last chance!

Greetings New York!

Did you forget to report any of your service hours to your club this past year? Or maybe you submitted your hours late and they were not included in the Monthly Progress Report Form by your Secretary? Maybe you forgot about some projects you took part in until after your hours were already submitted?...

In any case, please take the opportunity to report your outstanding service hours by clicking the link below:

This will be your final opportunity to report any unreported service hours to the district so we can factor them into our total so we have an idea of the service hour total we completed during the 2009-2010 service year. [Please be sure not to include your service hours for March in responding to this survey, as those hours should still be submitted by your Secretaries in your club MPRFs for March, which are due by April 7th.]

Please try to submit these no later than April 1st.


-Governor Michael

Monday, March 22, 2010

2010-2011 New York District Board

Greetings New York!

It is my honor to announce to you our 2010-2011 New York District Board, which is set to take office effective April 1, 2010:

District Governor - Rickie Santer of Adelphi University
District Secretary - Carolyn Frantz of University at Albany
District Treasurer - Nick Papetti of RPI
District Editor - Jennifer Yong of Adelphi Univesity

Capital Division Lieutenant Governor: Jacquie Fable of RPI
Central Lakes Division Lieutenant Governor: Vacant
Empire Division Lieutenant Governor: Yvonne Cotterell of CCNY
Hudson Division Lieutenant Governor: Vacant
Long Island Division Lieutenant Governor: Kristin Leverone of C.W. Post
Northern Division Lieutenant Governor: Vacant
Southern Tier Division Lieutenant Governor: Brittney Fitzgerald of Elmira College
Western Division Lieutenant Governor: Crystal Chen of University at Buffalo

(If you are a member of a division that currently has a Lieutenant Governor vacancy and are interested in learning about how you can apply for the position, please contact Governor-Elect Santer at

Congratulations to the 2010-2011 New York District Board of Officers!

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

NYCKI Mascot Contest Update!


The Top 3 Finalists for the NYCKI Mascot Contest will be selected Wednesday evening. All nominations are due no later than 3:00PM on Wednesday, March 17th.

Click here for instructions!

There's still time to be part of NYCKI history!

-Governor Michael

Sunday, March 14, 2010

DCON Packing List - Wondering what to bring?

Delegate Certification - Have your say at DCON!

Greetings NYCKI,

Please click the link below to download a copy of the 2010 New York District Delegate Certification form for the House of Delegates at District Convention:

[2010 Delegate Certification Form]

Please ensure that this form is completed and brought with you to District Convention.


-Governor Michael

Thursday, March 11, 2010

New York District Essay Contest!

Greetings NYCKI!

Coming to District Convention? Interested in sharing your voice with the rest of NYCKI? Take part in the first-ever NYCKI Essay Contest!

This year, the New York District of Circle K International will be celebrating its 50th anniversary. Since its inception, many prominent changes have taken place throughout Circle K International. Please write an essay of no more than 750 words that describes your vision for Circle K in the year 2060. What changes do you foresee? How do you believe such changes will come about? Be descriptive and creative!

All submissions are due to me via email ( no later than 11:59PM on March 16th, so this is very time sensitive, but I encourage you all to apply. To access the essay prompt and additional rules and regulations, please download the following form:

[2010 New York District Essay Prompt]

Good luck, and please contact me should you have any questions!

-Governor Michael

Thursday, February 25, 2010

2010 Circle K International Convention Preview

New York District Club Elections and Bylaws Guide

Interested in learning more about our district's governing documents? Want to learn how to hold the best possible club elections? Click the link below to download the New York District Club Elections and Bylaws Guide by New York District Laws and Regulations Chair Jessica Martinolich to download the guide:


-Governor Michael

Friday, February 12, 2010

Tip Me: 7 social events to warm you up

  1. Plan a bonfire. A night of s’mores, campfire songs, and stories is a great way to keep warm during the winter season.
  2. Start dancing. A dance party is a popular and fun way to get everyone off their feet.
  3. Go roller skating. Or try the roller rink.
  4. Have a coffee house social. Coffee houses are great places to socialize and get to know other CKI members.
  5. Hold a Wii social. It’s easy to plan and is a great indoor activity.
  6. Host a baking night! The goodies can be used as a treat for a club meeting or a fundraiser.
  7. Plan a game night and get the whole gang involved with Twister or Limbo.

Source: Heather Waite, Immediate-Past Capital District Governor and SPICE Committee Chair

Outstanding Member of the Month Program

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Outstanding Club of the Month - February

Greetings New York!

I just wanted to take this opportunity to announce our Outstanding Club of the Month for February:

Congratulations to the Circle K of NYU! Keep up the great work!

-Governor Michael

Saturday, February 6, 2010

New York District Resource Survey

Hey New York!

Please click the link below to let the District Board know what, if any, additional resources you think would be beneficial to your club:


-Governor Michael

Friday, February 5, 2010

Consider service through Builders Club

There is a well kept Kiwanis secret, which I bring to your attention, so that maybe it won’t be a secret much longer. I bet you didn’t know that Circle K clubs are allowed, under Kiwanis guidelines, to co-sponsor Builders Clubs, and get service credit for their interaction with middle school students just like Kiwanians do with Circle K clubs.

Since I am not sure that many Circle K members even know what Builders Club is, I should tell you that Builders Club is a student led organization which, like Circle K, builds leaders through service. Builders Club members are middle/junior high school aged students between the ages of 12–15. Like Key Club, they have service partnerships with UNICEF and the March of Dimes, and the members of the respective clubs perform various service projects, such as fundraising for HIV/Aids prevention in Africa, reading to kindergarteners or kicking off a recycling program.

Hopefully, you remember what it was like to be in your early teens, floundering and looking for positive adult role models who were NOT your parents. This is not to say that parents are not role models, they surely are, however, young teens can often be somewhat rebellious, and don’t always accept what their parents say without questioning them. As members of CKI, you could mentor these young folk, and help improve their self esteem and lead them to higher academic achievement. God knows they would probably rather listen to a college student than some “older” Kiwanian anyway.

We all know that middle school years are a pivotal age, and Builders Club helps to steer kids on the right path, and give them a chance to have fun and show that they can do through a commitment to community service. You can help in this process. Circle K, in conjunction with a Kiwanis club (perhaps your own), can join together and form a Builders Club in your community. Presumably the Kiwanis club can provide the funds and the CKI members can provide the time to help install the Kiwanis-family tradition in these very impressionable teens.

So the next time your Circle K club is looking for a way to obtain more service hours, consider forming a Builders Club nearby. You only need 15 student members to sign up, and they need not even be coordinated through a formal school program. You can set up a Builders Club program through a local Boys & Girls Club or at the local public library with a study group that meets there. Obviously you need to have advisors, but you should think “outside the box,” the possibilities are endless and the positive effects of your time would be immeasurable.

For more information on Builders Club, check out the Web site at or contact Kiwanis International at 800-KIWANIS, ext. 411.

By Mark G. Esposito, 2009-10 District Governor, New Jersey District Kiwanis

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Interested in running for District Office?


Interested in serving on the District Board next year? Want to know more about the positions of District Governor, District Secretary, District Treasurer, District Editor, and Lieutenant Governor? Please click the link below to download the 2010-2011 New York District Elections Packet! Inside, you will find important information on District Board expectations, policy, service agreements, and candidacy assessment.

Serving on the District Board is an amazing experience, so if you are willing to commit to the expectations, I strongly encourage you to get involved and run for office! Please feel free to contact me or the District Board member currently in the position in which you are interested if you should have any questions at all.


-Governor Michael

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Service Spotlight: District Convention Service Fair!


Want to share a successful project or initiative undertaken by your club with the rest of the New York District? Showcase it at the Service Fair at District Convention! Please click the link below to let us know what your club would like to display:

We know your clubs have been doing amazing things all year, so definitely take advantage of this opportunity to let everyone else see what you've been up to!

Have any questions? Please let me know!


-Governor Michael

Kiwanis Family Relations Newsletter

Hey New York!

Interested in holding a joint project with Key Club? Want to build up relations with a nearby Aktion Club? If so, we have the perfect resource for you! Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Nick Papetti has released a Kiwanis Family Relations newsletter to help your clubs get more involved with the other branches of the Kiwanis Family and prepare for Kiwanis One Day (April 10, 2010).

Should you have any questions related to K-Family relations, please contact Chair Nick Papetti at

Saturday, January 30, 2010

January "Michael's Memo"

Greetings New York!

I hope you're all doing well and enjoying the weekend. Please click the link below to download the tenth issue of my monthly publication, "Michael's Memo":

Please take a look when you have a moment. Inside, you will find information relating to the the following topics:
  • District Convention 2010
  • NYCKI Distinguished Member Program
  • District Goals Analysis
  • Service Recognition Award
  • Society of Distinguished Collegians
  • New Committee Chairs
  • Subregion F Event
-Governor Michael

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Don Forsyth "Circle K" Scholarship

Greetings New York!

The Don Forsyth “Circle K” Scholarship Fund was established in 1995 in loving memory of Mr. Forsyth by his family in honor of his passion for Circle K. Mr. Forsyth believed in the goals of Circle K and worked diligently to expand membership of the organization. To him, his reward was to see fine, young Circle K members enhance society by giving of themselves - helping those who need help.

To honor Mr. Forsyth’s generous involvement in Circle K, the Don Forsyth “Circle K” Scholarship Fund makes scholarship award each year to provide recognition and financial assistance to individual members of Circle K clubs who have demonstrated exceptional community service. The recipients must be in good academic standing and entering their sophomore, junior, or senior year at a two-year or four-year college or university in New York State. Awards are based on eligibility criteria described in the application material. Financial need is not a factor in this award. The 2010 distribution for this award is $4,500.

Eligibility Requirements:

1. Applicant must demonstrate exceptional community service.

2. Applicant must be a member of a Circle K club at a college in New York State and be in good standing with the home club and district organization. Applicant’s name must be listed on their home club’s current Dues and Member Report Form.

3. Applicant must have full-time student status during the academic years preceding and during the year in which the scholarship is awarded.

4. Applicant must be enrolled in good standing with a two-year or four-year college or university in New York State.

5. The Don Forsyth “Circle K” Scholarship is for one year only and is not renewable.

Selection Process:

1. All scholarship applications must be completed in full and submitted to the Community Foundation (address below) by March 5, 2010.

2. Scholarship recipients and their colleges will be notified as soon as the selection committee has reviewed all applications.

Scholarship Fund Disbursement:

1. A total scholarship of $4,500 will be paid directly to the college or university the student attends. Award money will be deposited with the college to cover tuition and fees, books, instructional supplies, or living expenses.

In order to apply, please click the link below to download the application. Questions about applying for the Don Forsyth “Circle K” Scholarship should be directed to The Community Foundation for the Greater Capital Region at (518) 446-9638.

[Scholarship Application Download]

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Outstanding Club of the Month - January

Greetings New York,

Congratulation to our Outstanding Club of the Month for January, the Circle K of SUNY Potsdam!

-Governor Michael

Thursday, January 7, 2010

New District Chairs!

Greetings Everyone!

I am happy to announce that we have two new additions to the New York District Board: Jess Martinolich, President of the Circle K of RPI, is our new Laws and Regulations Chair, and Nick Papetti, also of RPI, is our new Kiwanis Family Relations Chair. Congratulations to both Jess and Nick!

-Governor Michael

Monday, January 4, 2010

Subregion F Event!

The 2010 Subregion F Event will be held in Boston on the weekend of April 30th to May 2nd! If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact Subregion F Event Coodinator Rich Henderson, Governor of the New England District, at More information to come!

Register for District Convention 2010 Today!

District Convention 2010 registration is open! Please refer to the following message from District Secretary Carolyn Frantz:


District Convention 2010 registration is here!

Interested in joining us March 19-21 in Albany to celebrate our 50th anniversary? Included in the attached file is fee and hotel information, directions to register, and a form that must be postmarked by FEBRUARY 25, 2010! (Plus, get a first look at the DCON logo for the theme "Going Golden: A Solid Record of Service".)

Please pass the registration form on to club members and remind everyone to send it in as the due date gets closer! The District Board is working hard to plan a fantastic weekend filled with fellowship activities, service, alumni events, dancing, and more! You won't want to miss out!

Any questions? Feel free to contact Governor Michael ( or your Conferences & Conventions Co-Chairs Maggie ( and Carolyn ( and we'll be happy to help you out!

Have a great New Year! Hope to see you all in March!

Carolyn Frantz
District Secretary
Conferences and Conventions Co-Chair
New York District