Sunday, May 31, 2009
The Tomorrow Fund
Does your club have an awesome service project that they would really like to do this coming year? Here is the next question: Where are you going to get the money to fund your service project?
The Tomorrow Fund is here to help your Circle K Club out. The Tomorrow Fund is housed in the Kiwanis International Foundation. Currently, the Tomorrow Fund is well over the $200,000 mark and is nearing the $250,000 mark. The Tomorrow Fund is split into two lines – the Service Line and the Endowment Line. The Service Line is the line where CKI clubs can draw from for service projects.
If you would like to apply for one of these grants ranging from $250 to $2500 (with extenuating circumstances reaching the maximum of $5000), please check out the link below, which will lead you to the grant application.
Donations can be made to the Tomorrow Fund through the Carthage-Pullman Society memberships for minimum donations of $250 or through the Sapphire Circle memberships for minimum donations of $1000. Please contact the Kiwanis International office at 1-800-KIWANIS for more information.
The link for the grant application can be found at
"Michael's Memo"
I've decided to upload my monthly newsletter, "Michael's Memo", to the blog, so in case you haven't seen them yet, here are my first two issues:
April "Michael's Memo"
May "Michael's Memo"
-Governor Michael
Saturday, May 30, 2009
I thought I'd forward this on to you. International President Kristen Reed sent out this quote by Leo Buscaglia the other day, and I thought it would be appropriate to share with all of you, since it's a very true statement that is very relevant to our organization.
-Governor Michael

Friday, May 29, 2009
Apply to Join the Governor's Project Committee!
Governor's Project Chair Alex Geroux has put out an application for those who would like to serve on her committee. This year's Governor's Project is "Neighborhood Nourishment: Feeding Our Friends and Families", so we're focusing on volunteering at food pantries, holding food drives through STUFH (Students Team Up to Fight Hunger), etc. If you're interested in applying, you can download the application here. The deadline for application submission is Saturday, June 20th!
Please contact Alex at with any questions.
-Governor Michael

Presenting: The New NYCKI Website!
I just wanted to quickly direct your attention to the fact that our new Technology Chair, Jo Lukito, has been hard at work formatting and designing the district website, and it looks awesome so far! Check it out at
-Governor Michael
Leadership Academy
From May 15th to 20th, District Secretary Alex Allen and I attended Leadership Academy at Camp Waycross in Morgantown, Indiana. I had met some of the attendees at GATC or at the Sub-Region F Event, but the week provided us with an excellent means of meeting new people and getting to know each other better.
We took part in various exercises in which we discussed leadership development, performed a service project, participated in the Leadership Academy "Amazing Race", and bonded over a Leadership Academy dance that was developed over the course of the week.
We were split up into "neighborhoods" of ten to twelve, and our neighborhood time was largely focused on discussion and smaller group-oriented activities. My neighborhood was called the "Dancing Crane Flies" because of an encounter we had with a crane fly while in our neighborhood meeting room (coupled with the fact that several people in our neighborhood enjoy dancing). Each neighborhood had a facilitator. Ours was Sue McClernon, who served as Circle K International's first ever female International President from 1984 to 1985.
I'm sure you all hear about how a conference or meeting "is going to change your life". Indeed, when we hear that, we no longer give it credence, since we hear it so often. However, I could see the changes people underwent in the mere week we were away, so it proved to be a truly enriching and rejuvenating week, marked by new friendships and lifelong memories.
-Governor Michael
The Dancing Crane Flies!
Monday, May 25, 2009
I know it's been a little while since I've given a real update, but the last few weeks have been very chaotic with the ending of the school year.
The Sub-Region F Event, which was held from April 24th to 26th in New York City, was very successful. We had attendees from all four districts in our sub-region, including ten from our district. We went to Ground Zero, Times Square, and Bryant Park, and we capped off Saturday night with a trip on the Staten Island Ferry. It was a great fellowship-based weekend, and we even made boo boo bunnies, so we did a little service, too! Thank you to International Representative Eric Hotchkiss, his committee, and my home club - the Circle K of NYU - which hosted the event!
Among other events, I also had the honor of attending the charter night of the Circle K of SUNY Stony Brook, at which I presented the club with its charter. Congratulations to the new club, and welcome to the district!
I also had the opportunity to attend Leadership Academy from May 15th to 20th, but I'll do a write-up on that a little later!
-Governor Michael
Service Spotlight: Let's Say Thanks!

Happy Memorial Day!
Monday, May 4, 2009
Tip Me: 6 ways to do service in the sun
Northern LTG Kari Martin of SUNY Potsdam created a list of “6 Ways to do Service in the Sun”, which currently appears in the “Tip Me” section on the Circle K International website:
- Clean up your local beach.
- Hold a water and playground safety day at a local elementary school.
- Adopt a highway and commit to cleaning it once a month as a club.
- Walk animals at your humane society or SPCA.
- Do crafts with children at a playground or camp.
- Organize a sand castle competition or 3K walk/run to benefit a cause.
Committee Chair Appointments
Hey Everyone!
I am pleased to announce the 2009-2010 Committee Chairs for the New York District of Circle K International:
Awards Chair – Loraine Rosentsveyg (Brooklyn College)
Club Building Chair – Kristin Leverone (C.W. Post)
Conferences & Conventions Co-Chairs – Maggie Bryant (Elmira College) and Carolyn Frantz (SUNY Albany)
District Project Program Development Chair – Yvonne Cotterell (CCNY)
Governor’s Project Program Development Chair – Alex Geroux (SUNY Potsdam)
Kiwanis Family Relations Chair – Chelsea Saccu (Russell Sage College)
Laws & Regulations Chair – Matt Carney (Elmira College)
Membership Development and Education Chair – Stephanie Lounsbury (SUNY Albany)
On To International Convention Chair – Kristen Reed (SUNY Potsdam)
Public Relations Chair – Cheyanne Garcia (SUNY New Paltz)
Technology Chair – Josephine Lukito (SUNY Geneseo)
Circle K-KPTC Relations Enhancement Ad-Hoc Chair – Rickie Santer (Adelphi University)
Congratulations to all appointees! Welcome to the Board!
Governor Michael