Tuesday, June 30, 2009

CKI Sponsorship Toolkit

Hey Everyone!

Interested in finding more information on Circle K club sponsorship. Check out these new resources that have been posted in the Kiwanis International Resource Portal! Click here to visit the website!

-Governor Michael



As International Service Ambassador to STUFH, Students Team Up to Fight Hunger, I created a service guide advertising the Service Partner. I've uploaded the guide here. I hope it comes in handy when planning service projects for the Governor's Project, "Neighborhood Nourishment: Feeding Our Friends and Families". Again, if you have any questions about how to get involved, contact Governor's Project Program Development Chair Alex Geroux at alexgerouxcki@gmail.com.


-Governor Michael

District Editor Vacancy


The position of New York District Editor recently became vacant, and we're looking for someone to fill that vacancy!

The New York District Editor is responsible for serving as a voting member of the District Board at all board meetings, working with club editors throughout the New York District, helping assist with and direct videos for NYCKITV on YouTube, and producing quarterly publications of "The CTE".

To apply, please submit a letter of intent and from three to five samples of your work (e.g. newsletters, service project advertisements, writing samples, etc.). In your letter, please describe who you are, what experience you have, what vision you have for completing the duties of the office, and what goals you would like to set should you be appointed.

All applicants must be enrolled at colleges with Circle K clubs that were of "Active" status for the 2008-2009 service year, and the appointee must pay dues for the 2009-2010 service year in the fall.

If you are interested in applying, please send me your letter of intent and work samples no later than midnight on July 17th. Please feel free to email me with any questions.

-Governor Michael

Monday, June 29, 2009

NYCKI Club Listing


I thought I'd share with all of you an updated list of the clubs in our district. (Please note that this club includes several chartering and Reactivation sites.)

NYCKI Club Listing (as of 6/29):

  1. Adelphi University
  2. Adirondack Community College
  3. University at Albany
  4. Binghamton University
  5. The College at Brockport
  6. Brooklyn College
  7. University at Buffalo
  8. C.W. Post
  9. Canisius College
  10. The City College of New York
  11. Clarkson University
  12. Columbia University
  13. Cornell University
  14. Elmira College
  15. Fordham University
  16. SUNY Geneseo
  17. Hartwick College
  18. Hofstra University
  19. Hudson Valley Community College
  20. Hunter College
  21. Ithaca College
  22. LaGuardia Community College
  23. Marist College
  24. SUNY New Paltz
  25. New York University
  26. SUNY Plattsburgh
  27. SUNY Potsdam
  28. Queens College
  29. Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  30. University of Rochester
  31. Russell Sage College
  32. The College of Saint Rose
  33. St. John’s University
  34. St. Joseph’s University
  35. Stony Brook University
  36. Vaughn College

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New Issue of Governor's Publication!


I wanted to share the June edition of "Michael's Memo" with you. Click here to download it.


-Governor Michael

Friday, June 26, 2009

Mary Murphy from Better World Books

Hi Everyone,

I thought I'd share this video with you, as it relates to our District Project, "Focusing on Childhood Literacy: Uncovering a World of Untraveled Adventures". Better World Books, as I'm sure many of you know, is one of Circle K International's four Service Partners. In this video, Mary Murphy of Better World Books discusses how your club can get involved with Better World Books on your campus:

"One Can Make a Difference"

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Send in Your Photographs!


Technology Chair Josephine Lukito is looking for pictures of NYCKI in action. She is starting up a NYCKI album on our district website and is looking for pictures from conferences and conventions, club meetings, social events, walkathons, service projects, interclubs, etc.

Photos must be CKI-related and not contain any obscenities (sexual or otherwise).

When you send in your photos, please include your name, your club's name, and the names and clubs of those depicted in the photograph. If you would like to send in any pictures or have any questions, please contact Jo at lukito.cki@gmail.com.


-Governor Michael

Technology Committee Updates

Hey Everyone!

NYCKI Technology Chair Josephine Lukito has announced that she will be taking applications for the Technology Committee until July 8th. If you have not received the application and would like to apply, you may download it here.

If you have any questions, please contact Jo at lukito.cki@gmail.com.

As a side note, Jo has also set up a fully-functional chat room on the district website with webcam and mic support.

-Governor Michael

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Join the NYCKI Kiwanis Family Relations Committee!


The NYCKI Kiwanis Family Relations Committee is looking for members! If you are interested in applying, please download the application here.

If you have any questions, please email Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Chelsea Saccu at chelseacki@gmail.com. Applications are due to Chelsea no later than midnight on July 10th.

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

New York Speaking Date Change


For those of you who have attended New York Speaking in the past, I'm sure you know that it's typically held the first full weekend in November. However, we will not be able to hold it that weekend, so the date has been moved to the weekend of October 30th to November 1st. We'll be sending out registration information in the fall.


-Governor Michael

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Call to ICON

Greetings New York District!

Get out your CKI tee-shir
ts, cameras, and dust off your dancin’ shoes – Circle K International's 54th Annual Convention is quickly approaching and it's sure to be a blast! Make sure your calendars are marked for August 5-8, 2009 and extend the invitation to all of the Kiwanis Family members you know.

The 2009 CKI Convention will take place in beautiful Birmingham, Alabama at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel. While in Birmingham there are countless attractions in the area including Vulcan Park, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Alabama Adventure, Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, and the Civil Rights District. This year's CKI Convention brings many exciting opportunities for all CKI members to enjoy.

To help us celebrate our 54th Annual Convention we will be entertained and motivated by the vibrant motivational Speaker Scott Greenberg. In addition, every member will have an opportunity to learn more about district projects at the very popular Service Fair with a fantastic MAGIC theme and display school and sport spirit at the second ever CKI Tailgate party! Attendees will also have the opportunity to make a difference in the organization's future by developing leadership skills, learn more about CKI in a series of well planned workshops, vote on amendments to our CKI governing documents, and elect your new 2009-2010 International leaders.

Registration is located on www.circlek.org/convention and there you will find more information about the 3rd Annual CKI Blood Drive, necessary forms, and a promotional brochure with more highlights. Also, don't forget that your club can apply to receive Circle K International Awards!

Looking to do some service in the “Magic” city? You can come early from the 1st – 5th for CKI’s Large Scale Service Project. Some of the projects taking place include working with the Ramp Up Birmingham and the Birmingham Zoo. It's a fantastic opportunity to get to meet Circle K'ers from all over international and join hand in hand to make a difference in the host city for our International Convention. For registration information contact LSSP Chair Lukas Rix at sakul88@msn.com or attend the CKI LSSP Chat on June 21st.

If you need help coming up with fundraising ideas, sample letters to send to Kiwanis clubs, or help locating which Kiwanis Clubs are in your area to ask for funding to help pay for International Convention or LSSP please feel free to contact me anytime!

Pack your bags NYCKI - it's Alabama or bust! I look forward to seeing everyone as CKI unlocks the magic of service in the MAGIC city of Birmingham, Alabama!

Changing the World Together,
Kristen M. Reed
International President, Circle K International

OTIC Chair, New York District Circle K International



To read the "CKInsider" educational pieces put out by International, check out the library here.

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!

-Governor Michael

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Join the NYCKI Technology Committee!

Hey Everyone!

Technology Chair Josephine Lukito has made up an application for those who are interested in joining the NYCKI Technology Committee. If you are interested in applying, please download the application here.

If you have any questions, please contact Jo at lukito.cki@gmail.com. No prior experience with computers or programming is necessary to apply.


-Governor Michael

Tip Me: 10 tips for planning a large scale service project

  1. Use everyone's strengths. Members have varying levels of experience with different aspects of a project, so use that to your advantage.
  2. Set SMART goals. This will help you determine the impact your project had on the people who were involved.
  3. Make friends. Become familiar with the organization(s) you are working with, and have the organization’s leaders educate the members about how the project will impact others.
  4. Have fun. Although it is a lot of work to plan a large scale service project, don't forget to have fun.
  5. Organize your budget. Large projects often require large amounts of funding. Make sure you are utilizing your resources wisely and not overspending.
  6. Solicit donations. Every little bit counts when you are working with a large group. Make sure you’ll have the funds needed to do the job right!
  7. Advertise. Make sure everyone knows about your project. You've put in the work, so make sure people are excited to come.
  8. Have an open mind. Never put down an idea or write it off as too big for your group to handle until you make contact with an organization to learn more about it.
  9. Be resourceful. Ask for supply donations and other help.
  10. Look for something tangible. Complete a project that your group and the public can see (i.e. building a playground, or painting). Each member of the organization can feel like they were a part of something that made a difference.

Source: The CKI Large Scale Service Project Committee

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Monthly Progress Report Forms

Hey Everyone!

As a reminder, Monthly Progress Report Forms are due tonight! MPRFs are due on the 7th of each month for the previous month. Even though it's summer and you may not have as much to report, we still need club secretaries to send these in each month so we can accurately document everything and be sure we've received all of your clubs' service hours.

If you need a copy of the MPRF, you can download a blank copy here. Instructions for emailing in the form are at the bottom.

Please feel free to contact me or District Secretary Alex Allen (alexcki89@gmail.com) if you have any questions.


-Governor Michael

Friday, June 5, 2009

Dues Update!

As of June 3, 2009, we are still the second-largest district (in terms of membership) in all of Circle K International. Keep up the great work!
  1. California-Nevada-Hawaii: 1,509 members
  2. New York: 920 members
  3. Pennsylvania: 905 members
  4. Capital: 837 members
  5. Ohio: 520 members and Pacific-Northwest: 520 members