Get out your CKI tee-shirts, cameras, and dust off your dancin’ shoes – Circle K International's 54th Annual Convention is quickly approaching and it's sure to be a blast! Make sure your calendars are marked for August 5-8, 2009 and extend the invitation to all of the Kiwanis Family members you know.
The 2009 CKI Convention will take place in beautiful Birmingham, Alabama at the Sheraton Birmingham Hotel. While in Birmingham there are countless attractions in the area including Vulcan Park, Birmingham Civil Rights Institute, Alabama Adventure, Birmingham Zoo, Birmingham Botanical Gardens, and the Civil Rights District. This year's CKI Convention brings many exciting opportunities for all CKI members to enjoy.
To help us celebrate our 54th Annual Convention we will be entertained and motivated by the vibrant motivational Speaker Scott Greenberg. In addition, every member will have an opportunity to learn more about district projects at the very popular Service Fair with a fantastic MAGIC theme and display school and sport spirit at the second ever CKI Tailgate party! Attendees will also have the opportunity to make a difference in the organization's future by developing leadership skills, learn more about CKI in a series of well planned workshops, vote on amendments to our CKI governing documents, and elect your new 2009-2010 International leaders.
Registration is located on and there you will find more information about the 3rd Annual CKI Blood Drive, necessary forms, and a promotional brochure with more highlights. Also, don't forget that your club can apply to receive Circle K International Awards!
Looking to do some service in the “Magic” city? You can come early from the 1st – 5th for CKI’s Large Scale Service Project. Some of the projects taking place include working with the Ramp Up Birmingham and the Birmingham Zoo. It's a fantastic opportunity to get to meet Circle K'ers from all over international and join hand in hand to make a difference in the host city for our International Convention. For registration information contact LSSP Chair Lukas Rix at or attend the CKI LSSP Chat on June 21st.
If you need help coming up with fundraising ideas, sample letters to send to Kiwanis clubs, or help locating which Kiwanis Clubs are in your area to ask for funding to help pay for International Convention or LSSP please feel free to contact me anytime!
Pack your bags NYCKI - it's Alabama or bust! I look forward to seeing everyone as CKI unlocks the magic of service in the MAGIC city of Birmingham, Alabama!
Changing the World Together,
Kristen M. Reed
International President, Circle K International
OTIC Chair, New York District Circle K International

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