Monday, October 12, 2009

Tip Me: 10 service projects to do at meetings

One of the best parts of Circle K International is making friends through performing service. Try out some of these funky and fun service projects at your next meeting. It’ll help engage new members by showing them the joy of service, spice up your meetings and get some extra hours in.
  1. Puff paint socks—Decorate the soles of socks with puff paint to create safety grips. Give them to senior citizens in nursing homes.
  2. Warm blankets—Make homemade fleece blankets by tying the ends of long yards of fleece together. Donate them to your local neonatal intensive care unit waiting room.
  3. Letters from home—Write thank you letters and cards to soldiers overseas.
  4. Coloring books—Create coloring books by drawing shapes and objects on white paper with black markers. Donate them to your local library or daycare center.
  5. Peanut butter jelly time—Make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to donate to your local food pantry or neighborhood center.
  6. Make a child smile—Visit to find terminally ill children who could use a smile or two. Create cards for them during your club meetings.
  7. Keep warm—Host a “learn how to knit” session for your club and make scarves, hats and mittens to keep children warm this winter.
  8. Door stoppers—Paint holiday themed door stoppers to give to your local nursing home or hospital.
  9. Pillow hugs—Decorate plain white pillow cases with sunshine and flowers for your local hospital or kid’s camp.
  10. Craft dough—Make and mix homemade modeling clay and donate it to your campus day care center or children’s library.
Source: Service Committee Chairwoman Kristen Reed

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