Hey Everyone,
We are taking applications for those interested in serving the remainder of the service year in the capacity of either District Secretary or District Editor.
The duties of District Secretary include: taking minutes at all District Board meetings, compiling monthly district service hour and interclub totals, providing publications for club secretaries, speaking on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assisting with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.
The duties of District Editor are largely founded around serving as the chief publisher for the New York District. The District Editor publishes "Circling the Empire" (AKA "The CTE"), provides publications for club editors, works with NYCKITV on YouTube, speaks on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assists with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.
As both District Secretary and District Editor are elected positions on the voting board, both officers are expected to attend all meetings of the District Board. We have the following board meetings scheduled for this year: September (DLSSP), New York Speaking, Tri-K Weekend, January, February, and DCON.
Members who are interested in applying should send me letters of intent and any work samples they think will help in the selection process (newsletters, advertisements, writing samples, online resources, etc.). Applicants may also submit resumes to showcase experience and qualification. The deadline for application submission is September 8th.
If you have any questions at all about either position, please let me know. This is a great leadership opportunity, so if you're interested, I encourage you to apply!
-Governor Michael