Sunday, August 30, 2009

Six Cents Initiative - Whose Hair will be Dyed Blue at New York Speaking 2009?

Greetings NYCKI!

Help support the Six Cents Initiative by donating to either "Team Kristen" or "Team Imran" in the NYCKI Six Cents Initiative challenge. Check out my blog post from April here for more details about this challenge. If you'd like to see LTG Imran Yassin's hair dyed blue, donate to "Team Kristen". If you'd like to see International Representative Kristen Reed's hair dyed blue, donate to "Team Imran".

Kristen has created a promotional flyer for the event, so check it out here!

-Governor Michael

"Conventions Basics" Guide

Interested in learning more about New York District and Circle K International Conferences and Conventions? Check out our "Conventions Basics" guide put out by New York District Conferences and Conventions Committee by clicking here. We hope to see you in two weeks at DLSSP!

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New York District Executive Board Vacancies

Hey Everyone,

We are taking applications for those interested in serving the remainder of the service year in the capacity of either District Secretary or District Editor.

The duties of District Secretary include: taking minutes at all District Board meetings, compiling monthly district service hour and interclub totals, providing publications for club secretaries, speaking on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assisting with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.

The duties of District Editor are largely founded around serving as the chief publisher for the New York District. The District Editor publishes "Circling the Empire" (AKA "The CTE"), provides publications for club editors, works with NYCKITV on YouTube, speaks on behalf of Circle K when asked to do so, and assists with any other projects or initiatives undertaken by the District Board.

As both District Secretary and District Editor are elected positions on the voting board, both officers are expected to attend all meetings of the District Board. We have the following board meetings scheduled for this year: September (DLSSP), New York Speaking, Tri-K Weekend, January, February, and DCON.

Members who are interested in applying should send me letters of intent and any work samples they think will help in the selection process (newsletters, advertisements, writing samples, online resources, etc.). Applicants may also submit resumes to showcase experience and qualification. The deadline for application submission is September 8th.

If you have any questions at all about either position, please let me know. This is a great leadership opportunity, so if you're interested, I encourage you to apply!

-Governor Michael

Congratulations to Kristen Reed!


On the night of August 24th, the Governors of Sub-Region F met to vote on the nominee that had been put forward for the office of Sub-Region F International Representative one week prior. Immediate-Past International President Kristen Reed has been elected to serve as our 2009-2010 Sub-Region F International Representative, serving the New York, New Jersey, New England, and Capital Districts of Circle K International on the International Board. Kristen is a rising senior at SUNY Potsdam and previously held the office of International Representative during the 2007-2008 service year.

Congratulations, Kristen!

Sub-Region F International Representative Kristen Reed

Monday, August 24, 2009

Kiwanis District Convention

Greetings New York!

I got back from the Kiwanis District Convention yesterday. Long Island Lieutenant Governor Rickie Santer and Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Chelsea Saccu were also in attendance.

While at the Kiwanis District Convention, I spoke on behalf of the New York District of Circle K International, and with the Key Clubbers, we co-ran a forum on Circle K and Key Club.

We sold over $300 worth of NYCKI shirts and our Governor's Project pins. We also ran a raffle for the quilts that we made at our District Convention in March, and we raised $610 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. We will be splitting the proceeds between the three centers. Thank you to all Circle K members who assisted with decorating the quilt squares, Assistant District Administrator Alison Mandel for sewing the quilts together, and to all Kiwanians who supported us in the raffle!

Two of the three quilts that we raffled off on behalf of the KPTC.

We have a few new potential chartering sites that were proposed to us by Kiwanians, so we'll be working with them to see what we can do to make these ideas come to light.

Unfortunately, I only have a handful of pictures from the Convention, as someone accidentally deleted everything from my camera on the last day.

Overall, the Convention was a lot of fun, and it helped prepare us prepare a little more for the coming semester.

Congratulations to Kiwanis Governor Doreen Pellittieri, Kiwanis Governor-Designate Dave Booker, and Kiwanis Governor-Elect Mike Malark!

-Governor Michael

Key Club Governor Allen Yu, Kiwanis Governor Doreen Pellittieri, and Circle K Governor Michael Zebrowski.

Friday, August 21, 2009

August "Michael's Memo"


I am at the Kiwanis District Convention right now, and I will be addressing the Convention at the opening session in a few hours, but I have finished my fifth issue of "Michael's Memo", so if you are not on our reflector, you can download the new issue by clicking here!

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Come to the New York DLSSP!

A message from Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair Maggie Bryant:


Wish you could have attended the Large Scale Service Project in Alabama? Or are you in service withdrawal after a summer away from school and your Circle K club? Make up for it by attending the first-ever New York District Large Scale Service Project at our very own Kamp Kiwanis. We will spend the weekend helping out with some cleanup projects and partaking in fellowship activities. It is the perfect way to get back into the swing of service and start your school year with a bang!

The DLSSP is happening September 11th to 13th in Taberg, New York, so clear your calendars and look for registration forms in the coming days.

Please let me know if you are interested so we can get an idea of how many people will be attending. Send an email to

Yours in Service,

Maggie Bryant

Conferences & Conventions Co-Chair

P.S. Hope you all are enjoying what is left of summer and have a wonderful start of your school year!

Marketing Circle K on Your Campus!

Greetings NYCKI,

Marketing Chair Cheyanne Garcia has been working on some literature to help you market Circle K on your campus. Check out the following links:

"Meet the Marketer" - Introductory letter from Marketing Chair Garcia.
"Marketing 101" - How can I target the widest range of students via advertisement?


-Governor Michael

Sunday, August 16, 2009

NYCKI Technology Manual

Technology Chair Josephine Lukito and her committee have produced a technology manual to help your club increase and better its technological usage. Click here to download it!

-Governor Michael

Awards and Pictures from LSSP/ICON


At the International Convention, we had several award winners from the New York District. I won the 2008-2009 Distinguished LTG Award, and LTG Yassin won the 2008-2009 Distinguished Committee Chair Award. Elmira College was also the first-place winner of the GEM Emerald Division Award. Congratulations!

And since the pictures from LSSP/ICON have finally been uploaded...

LTG Angela Cortese, Conferences and Conventions Co-Chair Maggie Bryant, and I assisted with the scraping and painting of a Habitat for Humanity house at LSSP.

Our group, "The Tigers", at Big Brothers Big Sisters, where we volunteered during LSSP.

Distinguished 2008-2009 LTGs (and current Governors) of Sub-Region F with International Representative Eric Hotchkiss. (L-R) Me, International Representative Eric Hotchkiss, Capital District Governor Avanti Kollaram, and New England District Governor Rich Henderson.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Some Quick ICON Updates

Hey Everyone,

I got back from ICON yesterday afternoon, so I'm gradually getting back in the swing of things. I just wanted to quickly update you with election results from ICON. On Friday, Jason Stewart of the Ohio District was elected Circle K International President, and on Saturday, JJ Sadler of the Illinois-Eastern Iowa District was elected Circle K International President. Sub-Region F does not have a new International Representative yet, but we will be following protocol to elect one in the next few weeks.

I also wanted to extend congratulations and thanks to Immediate-Past International President Kristen Reed and Immediate-Past International Representative Eric Hotchkiss, both of our district, on successful terms. Kristen and Eric have been endlessly helpful and supportive of us, and I could neither be more thankful of them nor ask for a better President and Representative. They have served our district and organization well, and I am proud to call them my friends.

In the next few days, I'll try to update you with some more information from LSSP and ICON.


-Governor Michael

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Busy Day at ICON

Today, we did the Circle K Amazing Race, the last activity of LSSP. Afterwards, we came back to the hotel, and a few of us went to the CLE (Club Leadership Education) Training (basically training us to be trainers). Kandra Sejas, the CKI Specialist, led this program, and she did a great job and presented us with many good ideas.

After CLE Training, we were able to check into our new hotel rooms. By the time we had managed to check in, we had very little time left before the opening session of ICON, so we quickly rehearsed our district cheer several times. Following this, I went to the rehearsal (and used a teleprompter for the first time in my life!).

Tonight, I also had the honor of carrying the American Flag onto the stage for the singing of the National Anthem.

Following the opening session, I assisted with the STUFH table at the service fair. The New York table looked amazing. LTG Jo did a great job in constructing the bookcase scene to showcase our District Project's focus on the importance of literacy.

We have a lot to do tomorrow morning, including an International Council meeting at 8AM, so I should probably try to get some sleep.

-Governor Michael

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

On Termites and Transitions

The Circle K International Large Scale Service Project will conclude tomorrow, and the International Convention will be beginning immediately thereafter.

Right now, I am sitting in the lobby of the Sheraton Birmingham (3:22 AM in Central Time), and we've been busy working with Habitat for Humanity, Big Brothers Big Sisters, and the Birmingham Zoo.

While working with Habitat for Humanity, our weather was less than ideal (by far). We endured a torrential downpour and blistering heat while attempting to scrape and paint a house. Unfortunately, when the rains started (repeatedly), the hard work we had done in painting was quite literally washed away.

While volunteering for Big Brothers Big Sisters, we cleaned out a storage area and helped fold and sort tee-shirts. In the end, I was given five BBBS shirts and a stuffed tiger golf club cover, which was very fitting, as my team name is "The Tigers".

At the Birmingham Zoo, we washed garbage cans, tables, benches, and a number of other surfaces. We also were assigned to dismantle and destroy a shed. I must say that swinging a sledgehammer into the front wall of a shed repeatedly is quite therapeutic, especially after a long day of hard work, but the presence of thousands of termites was definitely a detractor from the experience.

Tomorrow is Fellowship Day (well, at least the first part of the day). We will then be transitioning into ICON, so we've still got a few days left in the sweltering south - er - Magic City.

-Governor Michael