I got back from the Kiwanis District Convention yesterday. Long Island Lieutenant Governor Rickie Santer and Kiwanis Family Relations Chair Chelsea Saccu were also in attendance.
While at the Kiwanis District Convention, I spoke on behalf of the New York District of Circle K International, and with the Key Clubbers, we co-ran a forum on Circle K and Key Club.
We sold over $300 worth of NYCKI shirts and our Governor's Project pins. We also ran a raffle for the quilts that we made at our District Convention in March, and we raised $610 for the Kiwanis Pediatric Trauma Center. We will be splitting the proceeds between the three centers. Thank you to all Circle K members who assisted with decorating the quilt squares, Assistant District Administrator Alison Mandel for sewing the quilts together, and to all Kiwanians who supported us in the raffle!

We have a few new potential chartering sites that were proposed to us by Kiwanians, so we'll be working with them to see what we can do to make these ideas come to light.
Unfortunately, I only have a handful of pictures from the Convention, as someone accidentally deleted everything from my camera on the last day.
Overall, the Convention was a lot of fun, and it helped prepare us prepare a little more for the coming semester.
Congratulations to Kiwanis Governor Doreen Pellittieri, Kiwanis Governor-Designate Dave Booker, and Kiwanis Governor-Elect Mike Malark!
-Governor Michael
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