Monday, April 20, 2009


This weekend, we held DOTC at NYU. DOTC, the District Officer Training Conference, is the first official meeting of each year's District Board. DOTC allows for the District Board to receive special training and discuss both goals and project ideas for the year. In our seven hour meeting in NYU's Kimmel Center, we accomplished a lot and made several very important decisions.

First, I am happy to announce that Kari Martin of SUNY Potsdam was officially voted in as Lieutenant Governor for the Northern Division. Congratulations, Kari!

We still have a vacancy in the position of Western Division Lieutenant Governor. If you know anyone at either Canisius College or the University at Buffalo who might be interested, please let them know about this opportunity to get involved on the district level!

We also decided on our District Project, which will focus on literacy, so we'll be working with Better World Books, helping out with children's reading programs at libraries, etc. We'll be sending out more information in the weeks to come as it becomes available.

We also discussed the Governor's Project and the status on committee chair applications. More information will be sent out on these two topics in the next few days.

One of the other matters discussed is the divisional breakdown in the district. The Board voted to incorporate the Circle K clubs lying the the Bronx Westchester South Kiwanis Division into the Empire Division and to change the name of the Bronx-Hudson Division to the "Hudson Division".
Overall, the board meeting we held at DOTC was very productive, and we managed to bond as a board through long subway rides and even longer games of Monopoly!

-Governor Michael

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