Sunday, April 12, 2009

Service Spotlight: Boo Boo Bunnies!

In honor of Easter, I am posting instruction on how to make boo boo bunnies. Many hospitals will accept these, giving them to trauma patients. They are also used as ice cube holders to help reduce the swelling of "boo boos".
The instructions on how to make a boo boo bunny are as follows:

  1. Place the washcloth on a flat surface and evenly roll up two diagonally opposite corners until they reach the middle.
  2. Fold the rolled washcloth in half.
  3. Fold the washcloth in half again and wrap a rubber band around the second fold so that the fabric inside the rubber band looks like a head.
  4. Straighten out the two loose ends so they look like ears on the top of the bunny’s head.
  5. Slightly open the fabric that looks like the body of the bunny so that it will hold an ice cube.
  6. Place eyes, nose, and a tail on the bunny using age-appropriate materials, such as a felt markers and small pom poms.
  7. Tie a ribbon around the bunny’s neck to cover the rubber band, and the bunny is finished!


  • Washcloth
  • Rubber band
  • Googly eyes
  • Pom Poms (small for nose and medium for tail)
  • Ribbon
  • Craft Glue

Last November, members of the Circle K of NYU and the Key Club of HSMSE participated in an interclub at which they created over 100 boo boo bunnies!

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